To a Friend (Bob Duce)


The first issue of Canadian Cowboy Country Magazine (March 1997) included a poem I had written called Reg Kesler’s Hat. In mid July this year while performing at the Cowboy Poetry Gathering in Stavely AB, I was approached by Reg’s daughter Jeanne. She requested that I include that poem in my performance and sign her copy, which I was happy to do. We had a chance to chat a little and she showed me quite a few of her father’s poems as well as her own. This was certainly a side of Reg Kesler I had never seen before. He was a very talented poet (as is his daughter Jeanne.) Here is a touching poem written by Reg for Bob Duce.

As you travel along life’s pathway
May the range land all be green,
and the broncs out in the pasture
Be the best you’ve ever seen.

May your riggin be a good one
And fit each horse just right
And your spurs keep on jingling
As they did the other night.

May you ride with your head uplifted
And your spurs hooked in the mane
Till the sands of time have sifted
And we’re all back home again.

When the last round-up is over
And the range boss says, I’m through
You can spend your days in clover
May I pass mine there with you.
