You Know You¹re A Ranch Wife When


This one was sent in by Kathy Horn of Virden, MB. She has been doing some poetry for about eight years and generally writes about old family stories and day-to-day life of their equine operation.


You know you’re a ranch wife when it changed your life
The moment you decided to be his wife.
Your priorities are far different than they were before
Dresses and heels are no longer wore.

You know you’re a ranch wife when you go to buy shoes
And you pick the tall rubbers for mud and goo.
Your shirts turn from silk to tough denim for sure,
‘Cause silk won’t make it through brush and burrs.

You know you’re a ranch wife by your kitchen window sill,
No fancy ornaments, only needles, medicine and a stray horse pill. It
becomes a challenge just to walk in the door, There’s a collection of shoes and even a saddle on floor.

You know when you’re a ranch wife when to prepare a meal,
The counter’s covered with odds and ends and a spare boot heel. The
meal’s prepared but will have to wait, Something’s gone wrong and
chores are late.

You know you’re a ranch wife when you get a thrill,
Watching a foal born from a distant hill
And the thrill you get from your kids’ first ride,
Sharing their accomplishment and their pride.

You know you’re a ranch wife when you’re proud to say,
I wouldn’t raise kids any other way.
Lots of fresh air with room to grow,
There’s no better life in the world I know.
