Woman of the West


Women Who Shaped the West

Growing up in a rural town, you are exposed at an early age to being put to work, no matter what your age or gender is. I have truly admired the hard-working farm women who I grew up around, and they inspire me to this day to keep grinding out the hard work, no matter what adversities you may face along the way.

In my elementary school days, I vividly remember being assigned a project in the third grade, where we were each to do a write up on who our idol was. It did not take me long to pick who mine was; the current world champion barrel racer at the time, Lindsay Sears, (and her horse, Martha). I presented my project to the class, expressing my admiration for the pair, as they broke world records, and I described the importance of the bond between horse and rider. My classmates, who had zero clue who Lindsay Sears was beforehand, were now fully in-tune listening to me talk about barrel racing. Lindsay Sears really made an imprint on myself at the ripe age of eight; whilst my classmates were writing about people such as Justin Bieber, and Hannah Montana.

I have always admired women who are immersed in western lifestyle and culture, as they are some of the smartest, hard-working, and are consistently defying the odd’s set against them.

As a young girl, I became familiar with the famous sharpshooter, Annie Oakley, who was renowned for her legendary role as the frontwoman for Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. She not only was a very skilled sharpshooter, but she also has went down in history for being one of the best at a sport that was primarily dominated by men. She made her mark on western culture all the way back in the 1800’s.

Today, women’s roles have become significantly larger in western lifestyles and culture. Not only have they found the same independence as their male antecedents, they have also are forging new paths in trends to sustainable farming and ranching, and incorporating new efficient ideas to farming practices.  

I feel proud to be put to work on the ranch, and I am eager to be put into scenarios where I have the opportunity to learn new farming and ranching practices. This allows me to not only pull my weight around the ranch, but also contribute my viewpoints and ideas. It won’t always come easy to me, but with a lot of patience and determination, I am sure to make my mark.

“Aim at a high mark and you’ll hit it. No, not the first time, nor the second time. Maybe not the third. But keep on aiming and keep on shooting for only practice will make you perfect.” -Annie Oakley
