Miss Rodeo Canada


JAYDEN CALVERT, MISS RODEO CANADA 2022 On November 5th, 2021, I accomplished a major goal that a six-year-old Jayden set her sights on 17 years earlier. I only had my dream job for a year, so I immediately vowed not to take an opportunity for granted and to do my best each day to serve my purpose with the same passion and grace as the representatives before me. I strived to approach each new adventure, eager to learn more about the sport I love and the people that bring our rodeos to life each year.

Canadian Professional Rodeo made a triumphant comeback in 2022. I felt fortunate to be in the position to help welcome new and seasoned rodeo fans back to our nation’s most anticipated western events and to a few brand-new crowd favourites. There’s a certain magic that engulfs a community on rodeo weekend, and the excitement that precedes the arrival of our contestants and personnel is contagious! I still feel it every time I pull into a new place for the upcoming festivities, even after participating in almost 100 performances. Many rodeo fans have been craving the opportunity to claim a spot in their hometown grandstands for over two years, and their enthusiasm fuelled my ambition!

To all of the committees, sponsors, volunteers, cowboys, and cowgirls that brought Canadian Professional Rodeo back to our communities — thank you. I am eternally grateful, and six-year-old Jayden would be so proud. May All Your Trails Be Happy,

-Jayden Calvert Miss Rodeo Canada 2022
