Cariboo Heritage Gathering

Fourteen-year-old Kagen Russell from the River Ranch team, along with his father, Ed Russell, and mother, Raquel Russell, and fourth teammate, Doyle Watson (pictured) in the doctoring event.

The Williams Lake Stampede played host to a full-day ranch rodeo, attracting 10 teams from the Cariboo-Chilcotin region and across the province.

The cowboys competed in team doctoring, wild-cow milking, wild horse race, a top horse competition, team sorting and head and heel branding.

Finishing in first place overall through the day’s events were Brock Herman, Colby Stewart, Cole Bailey and Jake Herman of the Stump Lake Ranch near Kamloops, B.C.

Top Cowgirl was Ricky Seelhof of the Woodjam Ranch, the Top Hand Award went to Brock Herman, and the Top Junior Award went to Kacey Huffman of 150 Mile.

Brad Thomas of Williams Lake was the arena director, Gord Colliar of Cache Creek was the announcer, Jenny Huffman of 150 Mile and Asia Elliott of Alkali Lake tabulated scores and Bryan and Raylene Poffenroth contributed the use of their livestock for the competition, while Bryan also did the cattle handling during the event.
