New Case of nEHV-1 Confirmed


Equine Herpes in Moosomin Horse       
Written by Neil Billinger – 600 Action News-Local First    
Friday, 03 June 2011 
Saskatchewan has its first case of neurotropic Equine Herpes Virus-1 (nEHV-1).

nEHV-1 virus is a severe strain emerging from the western United States. It is a contagious disease in horses that causes respiratory failure, abortions in mares and in some rare cases—neurological (brain and spinal cord) disease.

A horse from Moosomin in southeast Saskatchewan tested positive for the nEHV-1 virus on May 30. The horse attended a cutting horse show in Lloydminster on May 14-15. Since the virus can be spread between horses through nasal secretions, it is advised all the horses at that show and horses they have come in contact with since, be isolated for 28 days.

Saskachewan horse owners are encouraged to protect their animals’ health by maintaining good biosecurity practises. Horses can be infected with nEHV-1 and not show any clinical signs, but still shed the virus and infect other horses.

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