Heritage Park Historical Village, Calgary, Alta. PHOTO COURTESY GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA

The ancient Aboriginal cultures of the plains and mountains in Canada celebrate their traditions with a wealth of festivals and multi-award-winning cultural centres.


14th Annual Manito Ahbee Festival | May 15–19
Various locations. Winnipeg, Man.
Celebrating Indigenous arts, culture and music in Winnipeg. manitoahbee.com

Calgary Stampede | July 5–14
Elbow River Camp, Calgary, Alta.
The full camp set in peaceful surroundings offers a fascinating immersive culture and a powwow competition. calgarystampede.com

31st Squamish Nation Youth Powwow | July 12–14
2019, 100 Mathias Road, West Vancouver. B.C.
A powwow celebrating the First Nations youth. indigenousbc.com

Annual Kamloopa Powwow | August long weekend
Tk’emlups te Secwepemc Powwow Grounds, Kamloops, B.C.
Popular and exciting powwow and dancing competition. tourismkamloops.com

Thundering Hills Powwow | Aug 27–29
Maple Creek, Sask.
Powwow dance competition and celebration. maplecreek.ca

Haida cultural tours, Haida Gwaii. PHOTO COURTESY ABORIGINALBC.COM

Cultural Centres

‘Ksan Historical Village and Museum
Hazelton, B.C.
Stunning structures, artifacts and ancient culture at ‘Ksan Historical Village. ksan.org

Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay
Haida Gwaii, B.C.
Multi-award-winning centre features the ancient Haida culture of Haida Gwaii. haidaheritagecentre.com

Nk’Mip Desert Cultural Centre
1000 Rancher Creek Road; Osoyoos, B.C.
The fascinating stories of Canada’s only desert and the rich culture of the Okanagan First Nations people. nkmipdesert.com

Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre
4584 Blackcomb Way; Whistler, B.C.
Multi-award-winning cultural centre celebrating the Squamish and Lil’wat Nations. slcc.ca

Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park
South of Cluny, Alta. (well-marked signage).
World-renowned cultural centre features the Siksika Nation Peoples’ culture and traditions. blackfootcrossing.ca

Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump
Fort Macleod, Alta.
This multi-award-winning World Heritage Site explores the buffalo hunting culture. headsmashedin.ca

Métis Crossing
Smoky Lake, Alta.
Métis Crossing is the first major Métis cultural interpretive centre in Alberta. metiscrossing.org

Wanuskewin Heritage Park
Saskatoon, Sask.
Multi-award-winning cultural centre featuring the historical and contemporary Indigenous culture. wanuskewin.com

Duck Lake Regional Interpretive Centre
Hwy #11 between Prince Albert and Saskatoon, Sask.
Features the Willow Cree First Nation, Métis and Pioneer cultures, stories and artifacts.  ducklakemuseum.com