The Best Truck For Your Buck!

Each year, since 2006, the Canadian Truck King Challenge evaluates pickup trucks and chooses a winner. This year we evaluated the one-ton pickup trucks — despite this being a small slice of an automotive segment within another segment. As such you’d think it’s a small enough division to escape much scrutiny; certainly the lack of marketing publicity in Canada suggests that. Yet, we know the sales numbers are not as small as most would think.

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Give Me a Brake! – Top Tips to Avoid a Wreck

When it comes to towing, people seem most concerned with whether they’ll have enough power for pulling?—?they shouldn’t be. Suffice it to say that most modern gas and diesel engines have more than enough horsepower to handle manufacturers published tow weights.
What they should be concerned about is braking. Why?

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Top Tips for Hauling

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Gettin’ Real

With the comfort, safety and technology features found in today’s pickup trucks, hauling a horse or cattle trailer doesn’t mean you have to crawl into a mobile torture chamber.

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Need-to-Know Facts About Tires

Tires are black and round —?that much about them never seems to change, except for various width of white sidewalls every couple of decades. Still, for most drivers, tires are an afterthought?—?often poorly maintained and taken for granted. Yet, ironically, those small patches of rubber are our only connection to the road.

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