Category: Cowboy Poetry


The Call of the Wild

Have you gazed on naked grandeurwhere there’s nothing else to gaze on,Set pieces and drop-curtain scenes galore,Big mountains heaved to heaven,which the blinding sunsets blazon,Black canyons where the rapids rip

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Weaning Time

     By I hauled the bay mare up to my brother’s place,And left the foal behind.Having her momma out of calling rangeSure speeds up the weaning time. The mother

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Second Guard

       You are sleepin’ in your hot roll when some body kicks your tarp.When you roll out of your blankets why the wind feels cold and sharp.It was

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My Partner

See that ranahan sittin’ over there Cheerful as hell without a care? Last night in a red-hot poker game We were playing it close, but he looked the same He

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Fire Drill

We were scout’n out insurance To protect our little spread ’N try’n to do our darndest To keep out of the red The first part of each April Our policy

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The Chuck Wagon

She ain’t what she was in the days of her glory. Fer years she has stood in the cottonwood shade. But if she could talk, she could tell you some

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Happy Days

  The bells in town are ringing, ’Tis Christmas time, we know; But not a sound of the bells we hear Out across the shifting snow. Across the wind-swept prairie,

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Rough Stock

  There’s lots been said about the Cowboys And all the money they have won, But not much is said about the rough stock That helped to make them number

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A Bad Half Hour

Wonder why I feel so restless; Moon is shinin’ still and bright, Cattle all is restin’ easy, But I just kain’t sleep tonight. Ain’t no cactus in my blankets, Don’t

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Ridin’ Double

Well I’ve known those solitary types And even drifters, now and then The kind that always rode alone They were strong and silent men! But when they rode in, tired

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