Woman of the West


Family Ties

Take a moment, and think of a time when you had your back up against the wall, not knowing where to turn. Who was the person who helped you out of that? Chances are, it was probably someone who is there for you through the thick and thin, and in my circumstance, that person has always been my older sister, Sierra.

I don’t often boast about how much she means to me, or what an impact she has had on my life, but when I do, I mean it with every ounce of my existence. Because, ultimately, family is the best friends you can ever have- they are loyal, honest, and above all have your best interest at the forefront. 

My sister, Sierra, and I have not always seen eye to eye, alike the vast majority of sisters, we fight, disagree, steal each othersclothes, but you can bet every penny that she has my back no matter what. 

I remember a time when we were quite young, around five years old, and we got in a little predicament at a family friends house where the older boys were picking on us, and had us quite literally backed into a corner. I will never forget, Sierra grabbed me and cradled my head in her arms, protecting me from the older boys that were picking on us.

Our bond quickly grew into one of the strongest friendships a person can develop, sharing dating advice, life lessons, and of course, clothing. 

One night after a few adult beverages, Sierra decided it was a great idea to venture out to Ranchmens Dancehall, where we had got to talking with a few local cowboys sipping on some cold Bud Light. One of the gentlemen began to get a bit lippy with Sierra and myself, and soon-following the conversation turned into insults. My older sister was having absolutely none of that, and proceeded to tell the guy where to go and how to get there. Simple as that. 

This past year, I really grew to appreciate the relationship I have with my older sister, as I realized that not everyone is lucky enough to have a Sierra in their life. If you need a bodyguard; call Sierra. A place to crash? Call Sierra. A shoulder to cry on?Call Sierra. 

Growing up in a rural community, we were raised on the core values of hard work, sharing, and kindness. These are all strong assets that I have adopted, and have carried with me into my adulthood. 

The point that I am trying to get across is simple; appreciate the people who are close to you, and make time for those who care. 

No matter the day or time, my older sister has always made me a priority, whether it is a quick phone call to gossip and catch up, or to gain advice on a life situation, she is always there.

Photos and story by Chelsey Becker
