Own the Legendary Brand

Bid on the memorabilia and registered ownership of the brand of the legendary horseman, Bill Collins

Stockmen’s Memorial Foundation Fundraiser, Nov 7, 2020

The Stockmen’s Memorial Foundation in Cochrane, Alta., is the heartbeat of true ranching tales in the Canadian West.

Multi-generational ranch families have long memories, and preserving these stories is the main focus of Stockmen’s. Their archives, library and artefacts are a touchstone to a time we’ll never see again, played out by people we are proud to call ancestors, friends or simply Westerners.

Each year, Stockmen’s hosts a dinner and auction, and this year is no different — except it’s WAY different, thanks to a virus.

But Westerners are a resilient bunch, and they’ve figured out a unique way to host their fundraising dinner and their fundraising auction.

Usually the glittering social event of the season, in the Year of Covid Stockmen’s have traded in the Western suits and gowns for their unique take-out meal (and it’s a fabulous meal!). For the auction itself, wonderful, highly collectable and inventive donations poured in, and they created an online auction. The auction site is already up and active on their website: http://www.smflibrary.ca.

the branding irons of Bill Collins

The generosity of donors has been amazing, including the heartfelt donation from Pearl Collins. Pearl is the widow of the legendary horseman, Bill Collins. Some of the items graciously donated to the event are from his estate, and one piece of the irreplaceable memorabilia is Bill’s old brand, Running Bar V Running Bar. The bidding on this package or irons and memorabilia alone might well set records.

To ease the brand transfer, once the winning bidder is determined, the Stockmen’s Memorial Foundation transfers the double-registered Lifetime brand (Cattle, Left Rib, Horse, Left Thigh) into the new owner’s name.

To refresh your memory of some of the many accomplishments of the late Bill Collins, on our website we will be re-running the “Living Legend” article on the great horseman, written back in 2005. Visit CowboyCountryMagazine.com

We hope you can support the Stockmen’s Memorial Foundation as they collect the stories and artefacts of the history and the future of Canadian ranching.

Terri Mason, Editor, Canadian Cowboy Country magazine




Stockmen’s Annual Dinner and Auction

“Chuckwagon Edition” TO-GO Dinner and Online Auction

Saturday, Nov 7, 2020

Meals: $28 per person, contact 403-932-3782
