Virtual 2nd Chance Trail Ride!


Virtual Trail Ride to Benefit Organ Transplant Patients, Families

With regular events in limbo, the 2nd Chance Trail Ride Society is determined to celebrate their annual Trail Ride fundraiser with its first-ever Virtual Trail Ride on May 9, 2020, at 11 a.m.

The annual Trail Ride is hosted every year on the second Saturday in May and attended by nearly 500 people; unfortunately, the event was cancelled this year due to COVID-related event restrictions.

With the recent announcement prohibiting summer events, their 2nd annual Golf Tournament planned for August 15, 2020, hangs in the balance as well. Members of the 2nd Chance Trail Ride Society put on their thinking caps to develop a creative way to continue their work in raising funds and spreading the message about organ and tissue donation.

“We’ve created a virtual ride that complements our traditional event which began in 2012, to raise critical dollars that help transplant patients and their families,” said Morris Irvine, Founder and 2019 recipient of the Boulet Humanitarian of the Year Award. “We still need to raise these funds, and we’re hoping you’ll ride along at home with us.” said Irvine.

The Society operates on donations and it aims to continue to raise funds to meet financial obligations to maintain the six furnished apartments at Galens Lofts in Edmonton, Alta., for transplant patients and their families so they can live as comfortably as possible during the recovery process.

The 2nd Chance Trail Ride Society supports approximately 40 patients per year with lodging and additional medical-related expenses.

Together, let’s keep the spirit of the Trail Ride alive!


Virtual Trail Ride May 9 at 11 a.m.

You can set your fundraising goals with downloadable pledge sheet at

Ride a pony, a horse, a wagon, or walk with your horse or your dog!

Capture your selfie and share your journey on Social Media and make sure to tag us

Facebook: @2ndChanceTrailRide

Twitter: @2ndCTR_Society #2NDCTR2020


Donations are graciously accepted and can be made online
