Horse Woman

Notes on Living Well & Riding Better

Life on a ranch is lived in seasons, and author Lee MacLean — who is indeed a well-regarded horsewoman from southern Alberta — understands that better than most. Her book, Horse Woman, Notes on Living Well & Riding Better, is not so much a “how-to” book, although there is good, solid advice on many of the pages, as it is a good read of her thought-provoking journey that takes (many) of us back to the days when “shadowy men did horse deals by the lights of their pickup trucks.”

Lee’s book, like ranch life, has been divided into the four seasons, creating a loose framework to corral her writings on a myriad of subjects that touch on horses, past and present, ranch life, hardship, luck, joy and second chances.

Long-time readers of Canadian Cowboy will recognize Lee’s name; she wrote a fabulous article on riding sidesaddle for us a few years back. Since then you’ve heard her name a lot in regards to sidesaddle racing at the Calgary Stampede. Her credibility is hard-earned and well- deserved, and it’s a delight to discover that her book is a result of a lifetime of journaling, a habit she began at eight years old. Whether you ride every day or just dream of riding, this book is for you.

Horse Woman, Notes on Living Well & Riding Better by Lee MacLean. Softcover, 207 pages. Published by Red Barn Books,
