Cowgirl Rendevous

Longtime Alberta cowgirl and rancher, Edna Munro, being attended to by a Calgary Calendar Firefighter at the 2019 Cowgirl Cattle Co. Rendezvous

Cowgirls love a good party! Combine that zest for life with fundraising for a worthy cause, add in a great meal prepared and served by Calgary firefighters (including the Calendar Firefighters), and you’ve got a night to remember.

The Cowgirl Cattle Company is a group of like-minded women who share a background in the agricultural industry, mainly ranching and rodeo, and its mission is to promote Western values and heritage.

This year, the 22nd Annual Cowgirl Cattle Company Rendezvous is slated for May 2 at the Madden Community Hall in the community of Madden, Alta. The Calgary firefighters are cooking and serving an Alberta beef supper with all the trimmings. They prepare the meal from scratch, including desserts, right at the Hall, serve the meal, and run the bar.

Along with the Calendar Firefighters, this year, the Cowgirls are featuring the short documentary, Guardians of the Grasslands, filmed at the Waldron Grazing Co-op, showing how native grassland is an endangered ecosystem and that it must be grazed by cattle to be maintained.

The charities that the Cowgirls support include Children’s Wish Foundation, STARS, Alberta Children’s Hospital, Canadian Cancer Society, Breast Cancer, Heart & Stroke Foundation and the Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Society.
