Gone Viral!

Title of video: Innovative Little Girl Finds Way Back on Horse

Saskatchewan rancher and working cowboy, Alan Bandy, was having fun watching his kids on their horses, so he decided to videotape his youngest, Addie, as she figured out how to get on her horse, Cisco. He shared the video on his Facebook page.

We in turn shared the video on Cowboy Country’s Facebook page — and the video went viral. Now, over 5.7 million people have watched it.

The family has now licensed the video with a company, and any windfall is being saved for the kids. “So far, we’ve received $50,” laughs mom, Brandi Bandy. “But at first, we thought, is this exploitive? Should we do this? Then we realized it’s already out there, so why shouldn’t they benefit?”

The Bandy’s have received “a ton” of social media friend requests, and if you can imagine, a few non-horse folks have criticized the parents for even allowing their children around horses. “We ignore those people,” says Brandi. “But what surprised me the most is that not one person has mentioned what good parents we are because they’re wearing helmets,” she laughs.

To view the charming video, visit our Cowboy Country Magazine Facebook page or the ViralHog website.
