Well Played!

Photo courtesy Adam Gonshor

Alberta’s singing sensation, Brett Kissel, hit a whole new audience — by not singing. Wait; what?

Brett, who sang the U.S. anthem for the Oilers home games throughout the NHL playoffs, stepped up to his mic Apr. 30 — only to discover it wasn’t working. Rather than delay the game, the 2017 International Artist of the Year raised his arms and motioned the 18,000+ hockey fans to sing and they did — bursting forth with a spine-tingling, full-bore Canadian rendition of The Star Spangled Banner.

The clip of the anthem has appeared everywhere — CNN, Fox News, TMZ, NBC, CBC and countless others, perhaps forever endearing Canadian hockey fans to the U.S.A. (Well, that — and Anaheim won 6-3.)

And, as if that wasn’t exciting enough — on May 2, Brett’s wife, Cecilia, gave birth to their second daughter — Aria Cecilia Kissel, born a healthy 8 lbs, 4 oz., a sister for their daughter, Mila.
