Montgomery Wins Again

Dale Montgomery (left) with his dogs, Peg (standing) and Sue. Also in the photo is a representative from Farmfair, Carl Sneddon, Trial coordinator and Corey Perry, president of Alberta Stock Dog Association. Photo courtesy Farmfair International.

Congratulations to Dale Montgomery of Maple Creek, Sask., on his double-win at Farmfair International Stock Dog Competition.

Montgomery won first place with his dog, Sue, in 2:15 and also won second place with his dog, Peg, in 2:48. This is the fourth time he has won this trial, and the second time he has placed first and second in the competition.

A mere second behind was Matthew Hadley Roberts who won third with his dog, Callie in 2:49 and rounding out the championship field was Peter Gonnet and his dog, Taff, who put the sheep through their paces in 3:08.

For over 40 years, Northlands has hosted Farmfair International, one of Canada’s top agricultural shows featuring purebred and commercial cattle shows, world class equine sales, competitions, and clinics.
