Riding the Wind

Photo: rgbstock.com/Maria Flick-Buus/Photo-illustration: Zuzana Benesova

I am going to ride the wind
When it’s blowing hard and strong.
I’ll jump on its back
And we’ll follow a track
Where clouds go loping along.

I am going to ride the wind
When it chases behind the rain,
And whenever it snows
I’ll be saddled to go,
I’ll mount up and grab hold of the reins.

I am going to ride the wind
When it turns to a warm chinook.
We’ll spur up to the moon,
Whistle springtime tunes
And melt icicles in every nook.

I am going to ride the wind
When it whispers to waving grass.
We’ll call out to the creek,
Sing flowers to sleep
And whinny “Good Night” as we pass.



When Doris and her husband, Ralph (“Jake” in her poems), purchased their ranch on Bear Creek in the Cypress Hills area of Southwestern Saskatchewan, all of their possessions with the exception of fifteen Hereford cows and a second hand piano, fit into the back of a half ton. They raised a son and daughter (both ranching in the area) and Doris says she has been partnered with the same man, same ranch and same prairie wind forever. Her most recent book, Where Blue Grama Grows, was released in 2006.
