World Stock Dog Championship

Fifty-two dogs were entered in Calgary's Mutton Mayhem.
Fifty-two dogs were entered in Calgary’s Mutton Mayhem.

Congratulations to Terry Towle of Shaunavon, Sask., and his stock dog, Tug, on their first win at the Calgary Stampede World Stock Dog Championship.

Towle, who started with his first dog in 1996, completely changed his life (and his wife’s) from a sedate “retiree” on the West Coast to moving to their quarter section near Shaunavon, Sask., with a lamb crop of 150 each spring — all in pursuit of the sport.

“This dog’s been here three years and he’s at the top of his game,” Towle said.

Unfortunately for all involved, the original flock which was dog “savvy” (respectful but would still provide challenges) were unable to attend so a replacement flock was brought in — and they’d never been worked by a dog.

Tug and Towle got their three sheep all the way around the course and into the chute, but couldn’t get them into the pen. Since nobody else got even that close, Tug and Towle were the winning combination.

The World Stock Dog Championship indoor trial is the richest such competition in the world.

Towle earned the winner’s cheque for $10,000, and he also won the Sponsor’s Choice Award — a trailer contributed by Bar T5 Agra Services Inc.
