Berries and Cream Salad


By D.C. and Patty Lund

  • 1 (170 g) pkg raspberry Jell-O
  • 1 (170 g) pkg blueberry Jell-O
  • 1 (600 g) pkg frozen unsweetened raspberries
  • 1 (600 g) pkg frozen berries (your choice)
  • ¾ cup whipping cream
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 (57 g) pkg gelatin
  • ¾ cup sour cream
  • ¾ cup cream cheese

Prepare the raspberry Jell-O as per package directions and add in frozen raspberries, you can substitute some of the raspberry juice as part of the cold water in the making of the Jell-O. Put this is in a clear glass bowl to set. Heat whipping cream, sugar and vanilla over low temperature and add in gelatin (dissolve as per directions on package) and cool. Cream sour cream and cream cheese together and mix with whipping cream mixture. Pour this over raspberry Jell-O and let set. Prepare blueberry Jell-O as per package directions and add well drained berries, again you may use juice from the berries as part of the cold water to prepare the Jell-O. Pour this over the last layer and let set well before serving.

I recommend making this the day before as it takes time for all the layers to set.
