WPCA is Racing for High River


August 1, 2013 – More Information Available at www.halfmileofhell.com

It?s official ? there will be no chuckwagon races of any kind in High River in 2013. Despite efforts on behalf of the High River Chamber of Commerce and the World Professional Chuckwagon Association (WPCA), the reality is that there are too many displaced residents in the High River area to make such an event – albeit a fund raiser for flood relief, goodwill gesture and moral booster – even possible. In lieu of having chuckwagon races in High River, the WPCA will be racing and raising funds for High River flood relief. Because of the overwhelming response to the Calgary Stampede?s ?Hell or High Water? T-Shirt campaign, Ken Malvin, official merchandise supplier for the WPCA, is offering a similar ?Racing for High River? T-shirt that will be available online at www.halfmileofhell.com and through the WPCA?s merchandise trailer that will be onsite at the remaining stops on the WPCA Pro Tour starting this weekend in Strathmore, AB, moving on to Dawson Creek, B.C, and finishing up in Rocky Mountain House, AB. ?People in the High River area have supported chuckwagon racing for a long time,? says Malvin, ?Now chuckwagon racing is trying to show support for the people in High River.? Malvin is not expecting the same response as the Calgary campaign got, but ?Every little bit helps in these situations.? T-Shirts will retail for $20.00 with proceeds given directly to High River flood relief. Ken Malvin can be reached by calling 1-403-899-9995.

-Billy Melville

High River WPCA
