No Bake Sour Cherry Pie


By Bill and Zita Borgwardt

The cherries we use are also known as the Evans Cherry. It’s a long story but my mother was the one who developed the original cherry trees from which the Evans Cherry was derived. We still grow the original trees on our acreage and most years we get enough cherries to make several pies and also freeze some for winter use. 

The same recipe can be used as a dessert without putting it in a pie crust.

  • 1 pie shell baked
  • ¾ cup water
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 1 tbsp cornstarch
  • 1 (3 oz) pkg cherry Jell-O
  • 2 cups sour cherries, drained (using fresh cherries preferably as frozen cherries are rather mushy rather than firm and round, but still work!)
  • 1 cup Dream Whip, whipped

Boil water, sugar, cornstarch until slightly thickened approximately 2 minutes, stir in Jell-O and cool until mixture begins to thicken for about 10 minutes. Stir in whipped topping, fold in cherries and pour into pie shell. Let set in fridge until ready to serve.

Cool Whip works too and you can substitute a graham crust for a baked crust.
