Day: November 1, 2010

bert sheppard

Alberta’s Bert Sheppard

Comes A Horseman When Bert Sheppard was growing up, there were still a good many old-time cowboys living in the High River area of southwestern Alberta. They were men who

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Earl Bascom – Born A High Rider

History shows only a half-dozen western artists who actually lived and worked as cowboys during the open-range era of the West. Cowboy artist, inventor and rodeo champion Earl W. Bascom

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Bill Miner

The Gentleman Bandit Bill Miner’s prison “mug” shot. Notice the prison stamp from Okalla Penitentiary, New Westminster, B.C., 1906.Photo courtesy Mike Puhallo Bill Miner created an enduring legend that grew

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Alberta Slim

Canada’s Yodeling Cowboy Alberta Slim was a pioneer of the early days of Canadian country music.  Born Eric Edwards in 1910 near Wiltshire, England, Slim emigrated with his musical family

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A.D. “Cowboy” Kean

From Riding to Writing the Range “The wild white horse called Snowball bounded down the steep declivity… Through my glass, I could see two riders break from the dark timber

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David Thompson

The Greatest Trailblazer of Them All In no other country has one man contributed so much to his nation and received so little recognition in return. Across the Medicine Line,

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