Alberta Children’s Wish


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Megan Innes (L) from Children’s Wish Foundation accepting cheque from event organizers Irene White and Roger Matas. Photo credit: Bill Bruce

Children’s Wish Ride



The Alberta Wish Trail Ride has ridden into the sunset for another year with another significant donation to the Children’s Wish Foundation.
The wish ride committee turned over a cheque this weekend to the foundation for $26,300 representing the funds collected at the ride August 21st.
“We’re really pleased to make this contribution which will help Alberta children at a difficult time in their lives,” said committee chair Irene White. “We’re also pleased to see this event grow in terms of what we’re able to donate.”
This year’s contribution is over $6,000 more than last year’s donation despite the event having fewer riders. 65 horses and riders took part this year.
“Children’s Wish is extremely grateful to the Alberta Wish Trail Ride for raising a phenomenal amount of money again this year. We grant between 2-6 horse wishes a year and are so excited to be a part of an annual event that combines horse enthusiasts with raising money for deserving kids.
The challenges a family is faced with when their child has a life threatening illness can be set aside for the wonder and magic the child feels in knowing their most heartfelt wish can come true. We currently have 139 Albertans between the ages of 3-17 yrs in the process of being granted wishes and with these funds we are able to ensure our legacy of never denying an eligible child their most heartfelt wish. Thanks for including us in this wonderful event,” said Megan Innes, Chapter Fundraising Coordinator Alberta and Northwest Territories.
The one-day event took riders and their horses through trails in Kananaskis. Riders were provided a pancake breakfast prior to the ride and a hot supper, prizes and entertainment on their return. The top prize, a saddle donated by Frontier Western Shop in Claresholm was won by a young rider who was visiting from Germany.
A full list of the sponsors as well as event information, photos and video presentation is available on the website
