June/July 2010


Jun Jul 2010 Cover

A New Look at Western Art

Charlie Russell didn’t pull any punches in responding to a reporter for the Chicago Evening Post about an exhibit of modern art in 1913. “Yes,“ he said, “I saw the cubist and futurist exhibit in New York, but can’t savvy that stuff. ….
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In this Issue

Ranching in the West
Biggest Outfit in Alberta
The Eastern Irrigation District encompasses a large chunk of Alberta prairie.
Living Legend
Dave Poulsen
Rodeo announcer and widely-published author, Dave Poulsen is all about the art of communication.
Ranching in the West
Cowboy Way
Roping Burros
Pat Hooks on training your horse while roping burros.
Cowboy Savvy
Before his passing, stockman Bert Sheppard sat down with Dr. Daryl Drew to discuss the intricacies of moving a herd of cattle.
Hammer & Tongs
Blacksmithing is enjoying a revival of its renaissance art, and what was once in the barn is now in the galleries.
A New Way to Look at Western Art
How the new western art reflects the past and influences the future.
What’s Happening on the Calgary Stampede Grounds
Here are the insider tips on what’s new at the Calgary Stampede, and how to enjoy the show on a rancher’s budget.
